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Postdoctoral Research Workstation

Focusing on “green low-carbon and digital empowerment”, Dongfang Electronics now needs professional and innovative talents in the following directions: new power system, integrated energy management, digital city, power electronics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, big data and other fields.

The post-doctoral scientific research workstation of Dongfang Electronics provides good scientific research conditions, living conditions and salary for the incoming postdoctoral researchers.

According to the Several Measures on Further Accelerating the Concentration of Talents to Lead High-quality Development, post-doctors’ living allowance standard in the station is RMB 150,000 per year, with the longest subsidy of 3 years; for those post-doctors out of the station, they shall obtain the smoke reward of RMB 150,000 in a lump sum; they can continue to enjoy Yantai City’s housing purchase subsidies and living subsidies policy for introduction of talents, including housing purchase subsidies of RMB 200,000 and living subsidies of RMB 36,000 per year for 3 years.

Recruitment Contact
  • TEL

    +86 535-5520071

  • Contact

    Mr. Zheng

  • E-mail


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