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Digital Society

●We have built the NQI (National Quality Infrastructure) service cloud platform to promote online processing of basic businesses, a new model where key resources can be matched and shared in a targeted way, institutions can complement each other with their own strengths and enterprises can collaborate online to fulfill their needs.

●The intelligent judicial correction platform is built under the guideline of "one platform, two centers, three systems, and four intelligent integrations" launched by the Ministry of Justice, covering the community correction integration platform (staff PC terminal, staff mobile terminal, correction object mobile terminal, social force mobile terminal), data center, command center, etc.

●The project management platform under construction is a platform initiated by fiscal review center to manage such projects as construction, land acquisition and demolition more efficiently, optimize approval links, streamline disbursement procedure, strengthen supervision and management of fiscal capital, so as to develop a fiscal system that makes financial work more transparent and communication channels more unimpeded.

顺昌县| 金山区| 广河县| 玉林市| 桂林市| 江山市| 通辽市| 邮箱| 尉氏县| 青龙| 富阳市| 开阳县| 原阳县| 曲周县| 邹城市| 射洪县| 定边县| 图木舒克市| 新郑市| 贺州市| 城口县| 乐平市| 太仆寺旗| 南木林县| 东安县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 武平县| 芒康县| 齐河县| 同心县| 阜阳市| 谢通门县| 喀喇沁旗| 民权县| 张北县| 仪征市| 翁源县| 德格县| 儋州市| 丰都县| 灌云县|