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Digital Energy

We establish carbon emission models based on direct carbon emissions, indirect carbon emissions, and other indirect emissions of enterprises, and conduct professional evaluation based on the minimum allowable granularity to help enterprises take carbon inventories and thus lay the foundation for carbon trading.

东乡族自治县| 辽宁省| 墨江| 阿克苏市| 敦煌市| 天等县| 岐山县| 余庆县| 林州市| 厦门市| 宜兴市| 措美县| 将乐县| 巫山县| 乌兰察布市| 肇庆市| 子长县| 如东县| 开封县| 桑植县| 玛沁县| 东安县| 濮阳县| 博爱县| 广德县| 万全县| 读书| 旺苍县| 厦门市| 托克逊县| 武鸣县| 繁昌县| 察雅县| 方正县| 柳州市| 阜宁县| 类乌齐县| 凤城市| 云和县| 西丰县| 综艺|