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Digital Energy

Based on our green power construction, transformation for energy conservation, energy-efficiency services, metering and billing, business expansion, power purchase and sale, virtual power plants and other services, we can help customers reduce energy costs, lower carbon emissions, gain added value and improve overall operation and management. Our Internet and big data technology can make possible remote monitoring and centralized operation and maintenance management of power distribution rooms, pump houses, cooling and heating systems of different locations, enabling our operation and maintenance management more standardized, and our energy use more efficient.

武城县| 平昌县| 景德镇市| 方城县| 凤翔县| 简阳市| 正阳县| 汝南县| 吴桥县| 德化县| 五大连池市| 齐齐哈尔市| 镇原县| 平舆县| 棋牌| 常宁市| 琼结县| 六安市| 科技| 江西省| 会理县| 黄大仙区| 无锡市| 沐川县| 临武县| 茶陵县| 盐源县| 蓝山县| 浮梁县| 望奎县| 萨嘎县| 铅山县| 霸州市| 行唐县| 双桥区| 宁阳县| 内丘县| 靖安县| 招远市| 石楼县| 灵武市|